Genomströmningsvattenberedare och energieffektivitet
Electricity is getting greener and greener.
The share of renewable energies is increasing more and more. Use renewable energies for hot water supply instead of limited fossil sources!
Separate heating and hot water!
Modern heaters require low flow temperatures. It makes sense to separate the systems from each other.
The future
belongs to
water heaters.
When heating is separated from hot water, energy-efficient instantaneous water heaters are a convincing decentralised system for supplying hot water.
Sustainable, efficient and economical.
E-instantaneous water heaters are comfortable, space-saving and offer a high level of hygiene and safety. They heat the water only when required at the desired temperature.
Replace old devices and schedule new ones.
Become an energy saver and exchange outdated technology. Plan your next sanitary design with electric instantaneous water heaters.
CLAGE is the specialist.
In the field of decentralised hot water supply, we are pioneers and also offer excellent service.
Centralised or decentralised?
It matters!
Central hot water supply
40% Energy loss
60% Usable hot water energy
long water lines
Decentralized hot water supply
3% Energy loss
97% Usable hot water energy
short water lines
Further information on this topic can be found in
Varmt vatten vid tvättstället:
Zapfdauer: 10 s
Durchfluss: 2 l/min
Temperatur: 35 °C
Vår lösning:
Liten genomströmningsvärmare för tvättställ
to the product page
Varmvattenvid diskbänken:
Zapfdauer: 2 min
Durchfluss: 5 l/min
Temperatur: 48 °C
Vår lösning:
Kompakt genomströmningsvärmare för kök
to the product page
Varmvatten i badrummet:
Zapfdauer: 1–12 min
Zapfdauer: 1–12 min
Temperatur: 38–40 °C
Vår lösning:
Komfort genomströmningsvärmare för dusch och bad
to the product page
Advantages of electronic water heaters
Immediately to temperature
Demand-oriented and without waiting times
Desired temperature
No addition of cold water
Saves operating costs
Energy-saving technology
Environmentally friendly
Less energy and water consumption
Conserve water
No more wasting water
No energy or circulation losses
Short water lines
Installed directly at the point of use
More hygiene
due to short water lines
CO2 down
The share of renewable energies in the electricity mix is increasing
Immediately to temperature
When the tap is opened, the water flows immediately at the desired temperature. It is also only heated as long and as much water as is actually needed. Thanks to short water lines and modern technology.
Desired temperature
The individual desired temperature can be set precisely to the degree on most E-instantaneous water heaters. Directly on the device, by radio remote control or by app.
Saves operating costs
Electronic instantaneous water heaters save up to 85% energy compared to conventional systems.
Environmentally friendly
The process through to the finished product is particularly sustainable for us and is constantly put to the test. We work according to the environmental management standard ISO 14001. Users save water and energy with electric instantaneous water heaters.
Conserve water
Now that's cool! No waste of water. Hot water is immediately available with electric instantaneous water heaters. You don't have to let water flow for long to get the desired temperature. In central systems, approx. 4.8 litres of water are wasted in 15 m long pipes.
Long water lines and circulation losses are eliminated, as the units are installed directly at the point of use. The water is not preheated and stored in large quantities. This saves energy. In addition, investment costs are saved: long hot water pipes, circulation pumps and hot water tanks are not necessary.
Short water lines
E instantaneous water heaters are installed directly at the point of use. Long water lines are avoided. Water heats up faster and there is hardly any heat loss.
More hygiene
E instantaneous water heaters heat the cold water directly at the tap to the working temperature in seconds as it flows through the unit. The heated water is consumed immediately and too much unused water in the piping systems is avoided. Thus no legionella test is necessary. This makes decentralised water heating more hygienic and efficient.
CO2 down
The share of renewable energies in the electricity mix is increasing, thus also reducing CO2 emissions resulting from the conversion of fossil fuels. Compared to central gas or oil systems, CO2 emissions are reduced by up to 35% of decentralised hot water supply.
Class A for our instantaneous water heaters.
The energy labels for hot water appliances confirm that decentralised water heating with electronically controlled instantaneous water heaters is one of the most energy-efficient technologies.
What the energy label means.
The European Energy Label identifies the energy consumption of electrical appliances during their use. Thus, electrical appliances for hot water supply, e.g. instantaneous water heaters or hot water storage heaters, are currently rated energy efficiency classes
Click on the numbers in the circles in the figure below to see an explanation of the individual elements of the energy label: manufacturer name, product name, tap profile, energy efficiency class, noise level during use and energy consumption per year.

By the way:
Did you know that the energy efficiency class not only looks at the actual energy end-use efficiency of the appliance, but also takes into account the EU-wide energy mix and the (partly) still fossil energy production? Some countries like Germany are well above the EU average in the share of renewable energy. In reality, instantaneous water heaters benefit from increasingly green electricity and are therefore even more efficient than shown on the energy label. It is best to operate the electric instantaneous water heater with green electricity and take a climate-neutral shower!
The energy labels for hot water appliances confirm that decentralised water heating with electronically controlled instantaneous water heaters is one of the most energy-efficient technologies.
Manufacturer name and product name
Tap profile
How powerful a device must be depends on the intended application. At the hand basin, for example, a water flow of approx. 2 litres (tap profile XXS) is required, at the kitchen sink approx. 5 litres (tap profile XS) and at several draw-off points in the bathroom or in a flat a water flow of approx. 10 litres per minute (tap profile S). With electric instantaneous water heaters, the power consumption - and thus the energy consumption - is automatically controlled on the basis of the desired temperature and water quantity set by the user (independent of defined draw-off profiles). In addition, energy-saving user behaviour can be promoted by energy monitoring, "Eco" real-time feedback and energy-saving function.
Energy efficiency class
As with household appliances, the seven efficiency classes are classified according to the traffic light system: a green color bar stands for the best efficiency class A and a red bar for the worst efficiency class F. In a comparison of the different hot water systems, demand-oriented instantaneous water heaters were classified with the very good energy efficiency class A.
Noise level during use
The noise level of all CLAGE instantaneous water heaters is a low 15 dB and is therefore hardly perceptible.
Energy consumption per year
But not only the energy efficiency class is decisive, but also the detailed information on the label. Within an efficiency class there are considerable differences in energy consumption. First select the water heater according to your needs, i.e. according to the tap profile. It is important to compare the annual energy consumption!