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Aerators save water and energy!

Water saver with filter and flow stabilizer, optimal for CLAGE small instantaneous water heaters

CLAGE instantaneous water heaters are designed to save water and energy. With small instantaneous water heaters, the savings effect is so great that special aerators for taps are required to optimally shape the economical flow rate into a pleasant water jet. The result is energy-efficient hot water preparation as a contribution to environmental and climate protection.

Structure of an aerator

Structure of an aerator

The new special aerators CSP add air to the water and thus form an even, soft water jet which does not splash but bubbles. The aerated water jet supports the energy and water-saving operation of mini and compact instantaneous water heaters.

High-tech in the smallest space!
Our aerators are manufactured using extremely precise plastic technology and are available as inserts or complete with a mouthpiece suitable for the fitting. Plastic components generally calcify more slowly than components with a comparable metallic surface and can be designed more freely during manufacture, so that the flow can be optimised even better.

Thus, aerators ensure a good water jet even at low flow rates and promote energy and water efficiency at the hand wash basin!

Optimal for a flow rate up to 2 l/min

Optimal for a flow rate up to 2 l/min

The CSP 3 aerator controller supports the energy- and water-saving operation of small instantaneous water heaters with a flow rate of up to 2 l/min, e.g. MBH 3, MBH 4, M 3, M 4, MCX 3, MCX 4, MCX 6 or MCX 7.

Jet regulator insert for mouthpiece M 22/24 at the fitting
CSP 3: Part no. 0010-00421

CSP 3a
Aerator with chrome nozzle M 24a (suitable for fittings with female thread at the outlet, e.g. END or EWT)
CSP 3a: Part no. 0010-0043

CSP 3i
Aerator with chrome nozzle M 22i (suitable for fittings with external thread at the outlet)
CSP 3i: Part no. 0010-0042

Optimal for a flow rate of up to 3.5 l/min

Optimal for a flow rate of up to 3.5 l/min

The CSP 6 aerator supports the energy- and water-saving operation of instantaneous water heaters with a flow rate of up to 3.5 l/min, e.g. MBH 6, MBH 7, M 6, M 7, MCX 6, MCX 7, CFX-U, CEX-U, CDX-U or CEX, at the fitting.

Jet regulator insert for mouthpiece M 22/24 at the fitting
CSP 6: Part no. 0010-00461

CSP 6a
Aerator with chrome nozzle M 24a (suitable for fittings with female thread at the outlet)
CSP 6a: Part no. 0010-0047

CSP 6i
Aerator with chrome nozzle M 22i (suitable for fittings with external thread at the outlet)
CSP 6i: Part no. 0010-0046

Optimal for storage heaters

Optimal for storage heaters

The CSS aerator controller enables typical operation of a pressurelessly installed DHW cylinder at the fitting, e.g. S5-U, S5-O, S10-U, S10-O, S15-U or S15-O.

Jet regulator insert for mouthpiece M 22/24 at the fitting
CSS: Part no. 0010-00504

Aerator with chrome nozzle M 22i (suitable for fittings with external thread at the outlet)
CSSi: Part no. 89125

Aerator and installation wrench <nobr>as set</nobr> for small instantaneous water heaters

Aerator and installation wrench as set for small instantaneous water heaters

Clean the aerator regularly (e.g. once a year) or replace it if necessary.
Our practical set consisting of two jet regulator inserts, chrome mouthpiece and mounting key is perfect for replacing the jet regulators on your hand wash basin supplied with a small instantaneous water heater (flow rate up to 2 l/min).

The two enclosed CSP 3 jet regulator inserts have been optimally developed for small instantaneous water heaters with an output of 3.5 to 4.4 kW, e.g. MBH 3, M 4 or MCX 4. They mix air with the water and thus form an even, soft water jet that does not splash but bubbles.

The chrome mouthpiece M24a has an external thread and can therefore be mounted on fittings with an internal thread at the outlet, e.g. END or EWT.

The service key is suitable for standard wrench sizes M22x1, M24x1 and M28x1. It is made of a strong but non-scratching material to avoid damage to the chrome surfaces of the mouthpieces.
Aerator mounting wrench set: Part no. 9100-92950

You can find detailed information on the topic of "instantaneous water heaters" here.